Hill Lists Backup Library

License Swift 3.1 Platform macOS Build Status


Hill Lists Backup Library is a Swift library that provides read-only access to backup files exported by the Hill Lists iOS app available for iPhone and iPad from the App Store.

Hill Lists is an iOS app for hill walkers in Britain and Ireland, highly recommended as a source of hill-related information and for recording, tracking and visualising hill-bagging progress.

App users interested in examining their data are likely to be better served by the app’s CSV export feature than by this library. While a backup file contains the app’s configuration settings, the identifiers of tracked lists, the identifiers of ascended hills and the dates and recorded notes of any ascents, the CSV export provides immediately usable hill-related information such as name, location and height.


The library is motivated by a desire to learn the Swift programming language and how to build a reusable Swift library the right way. A concrete project is often the best way to learn new skills. If the resulting library is useful to anyone then that’s a bonus!


The minimum SDK/platform versions required to build and use the library are:

  • Swift 3.1
  • macOS 10.12

The library should also be usable on iOS (probably version 10 onwards) but this has not been tested.

Unfortunately, Linux is not supported because some APIs used by the library (e.g. CoreLocation) are not presently available on Linux.


Backups exported by Hill Lists 5.1 and 5.2 have been successfully imported.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager automates the distribution of Swift code. To use this library with the Swift Package Manager, add a dependency to your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(

        // ...

        dependencies: [
                .Package(url: "https://github.com/codebrewer/HillListsBackupLibrary.git", majorVersion: 1)

Building and Testing

The library uses types introduced in macOS 10.12 so it’s likely (at the current time, with Swift 3.1) that the deployment target must be specified when building.

Swift Package Manager

To build without tests:

swift build -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc x86_64-apple-macosx10.12

To build with, and run, tests:

swift test -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc x86_64-apple-macosx10.12

To delete build artifacts:

swift package clean


The library can be edited, built and tested in both Xcode and AppCode.

First, use the Swift Package Manager to generate Xcode project files:

swift package generate-xcodeproj

Some project configuration is necessary to be able to build the library and build and run the tests:

  • in the Build Settings for both targets, set the macOS Deployment Target to macOS 10.12
  • in the Build Phases for the test target, add a Copy files phase to copy the Data directory from Tests/HillListsBackupLibraryTests to the Resources destination.

If using AppCode then you’ll want to create a run/debug configuration for the unit tests. Lookup of test resources used by BackupImporterTests should work whether running tests from a shell or an IDE.


A Hill Lists backup is represented by the Backup protocol, instances of which are created by static functions in the BackupImporter struct.

The unit tests in the BackupImporterTests class show the library in use, but in essence:

Open a backup file:

import HillListsBackupLibrary

let backup: Backup

backup = try BackupImporter.importBackup(path: "/path/to/backup/hlyyyyMMdd@HHmmSS.bak")

If no error is thrown then you have a Backup implementation and can use the properties declared by that protocol to access the imported data.

While all of the app’s settings as configured by the user are accessible, it’s probably the tracked lists and hill ascents that are of most interest:

backup.trackedLists.forEach { hillList in
  // hillList is an instance of `HillList`, a type that describes the
  // classification and geographical regions of a list of hills
  print("Tracking \(hillList.classification) in \(hillList.regions)")

backup.ascendedHills.forEach { ascendedHill in
  // `ascendedHill` is an instance of `AscendedHill`, a type that contains
  // details of all ascents made of an individual hill
  print("\(ascendedHill.ascents.count) ascent(s) for hill number \(ascendedHill.hillNumber):")
  ascendedHill.ascents.forEach { ascent in print(" \(ascent)") }

Note that a backup doesn’t store information that relates hills to lists. So while, for instance, lists for the HillList.Classification.munro and HillList.Classification.hump classifications might be tracked, and the ascended hills might contain an ascent of Ben Nevis, there’s nothing in the backup to record that Ben Nevis is a member of those lists. The relationships between hills and lists require the use of the Database of British and Irish Hills (with the relevant link information in this example being Ben Nevis’s identifier of 278, derived from the app’s identifier of "H278") or, in the case of the Irish 900s, some other suitable datasource.


An analysis of backup files is available in Guides.

API documentation is generated by jazzy.

To generate the documentation:


To view the generated documentation in the default browser:

open index.html


The Hill Lists Backup Library can import backup files that have been exported from the app and placed somewhere accessible. As the app author’s privacy policy makes clear, app users must actively choose to export backups from their iOS device and must trust anyone who then has access to the files. Once available, backup files can be read in a straightforward manner (although it’s quite possible that the app could be updated to change this).


The Hill Lists iOS app is copyright Graham Haley. The Hill Lists Backup Library is not affiliated with the iOS app or its developer in any way and is not endorsed by him.

Various descriptions of hill list definitions that appear in this library’s API documentation have been taken from the Database of British and Irish Hills.


This software is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Please see LICENSE for details.